College Chaos
Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
Luke 15:7 ESV
It is an astonishing thing to see what has happened on our college campuses. The mass crowds forming in our intellectual communities is a sight to behold. College security and local law-enforcement can apparently do nothing to stop these gatherings. If this continues it will change our country forever. Let’s examine these colleges in greater detail.
What started on Asbury University has now spread to other campuses including Lee and Stamford Universities. Just last month, on the University of Alabama campus, thousands gathered to hear the gospel. These are only a few of the colleges where young people are being transformed by the power of Christ. The worship in these gatherings has been amazing to behold as young people find the answers they have been seeking.

Let’s step back. I have a question. Did the second paragraph catch you off guard? Perhaps, your first thoughts in the opening of this article directed your attention to the chaos presently experienced on our college campuses at Columbia and beyond. Why is it that the protests we have witnessed at these institutes of higher learning appear to overshadow what God is doing at other colleges? It is because the bulk of the media coverage will always be toward what causes division and hatred. It is also because we all have a bent to accentuate bad news and glaze over good news. Let that not surprise you, it has always been that case. Tune into the local or national news and you will never hear of the latest man or woman who has received forgiveness and eternal life at the foot of the cross.
However, in the courts of Heaven, the big news line always involves the lives that have been transformed by Jesus. The Bible states that there is, “joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents…” And yet, this world yawns at thought of people getting saved.
When the apostle Paul was in prison in Philippi, God caused an earthquake that opened the doors of the jailhouse. As a result, the Philippian jailor and his family were born again. It is interesting to note that the entire town experienced the nighttime shaking, and yet, only one family experienced redemption. No doubt the entire village was talking about it the next day, but they saw nothing beyond a natural occurrence. This world will always choose to ignore what God is doing. Nevertheless, God will continue to build His kingdom, one sinner at a time, regardless of fanfare. The world will continue to turn a blind eye until Jesus returns and sheds light on the important college shaking. James Russel Lowell was wrong in 1844 when he wrote, “truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne.” Truth will soon reign supreme.