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Quiet on the Set

For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.

Romans 3:20 ESV

Alfred Hitchcock was without question one of the greatest directors of all time. Born in England to William and Emma Hitchcock, he directed over 50 films in a span of six decades. His passion for invoking fear and suspense in the hearts of those who came to see his films began at an early age. When Hitchcock was five years old his father sent him to a local jail with a note. After reading the father’s scribblings the officer locked him in a cell for five minutes. Upon his release the officer looked at the lad and said, “this is what we do to naughty boys.” The experience terrified Hitchcock, but it also lit a fire within him that would launch him toward his life’s work. In a twisted way young Alfred enjoyed being terrified by steel bars.

Hitchcock was known as the “Master of Suspense.” His use of camera angles and lighting to accentuate fear is legendary. His personal involvement in every aspect of every scene is well known to the actors and actresses that were privileged to have worked with him. Firmly in control of all aspects of the movie he was directing, Hitchcock demanded full control of the scenes. When he walked on the set all eyes were on him and all ears open to his commands.

In our brief movement across life’s stage there is a moment of critical importance wherein a stagehand cries out, “Quiet on the set.” The Director walks with determination toward his chair and waves his arm for all movement to cease. The actor or actress may be in the middle of, what they consider, a vital dialogue. The interruption seems unneeded and unnatural but unless movement stops, and the rumbling undertones of the performers cease, the story of the Playwright of heaven cannot be discovered. Miss that cue and you have missed out on the entire purpose of life. All attention must be given to the Director before we are able to enter the story of redemption.

In the third chapter of the book of Romans Paul comes to a startling conclusion after spending sufficient time to paint a picture of human sin in three movements. With masterful strokes of his brush, he paints a picture of condemnation over three groups of men. The sinful man, the righteous man, and the religious man are all found to be guilty before God. The Apostle Paul states in chapter 3 verse 19 that it is God’s desire that, “every mouth may be stopped and the whole world may be held accountable to God.” QUIET ON THE SET! This conclusion cannot be brought to the heart of man in any other way but by the Holy Spirit. We think too much of ourselves to ever admit our sin and there is too much noise around us that draws our attention away from the fact of sin. But the fact is that we are all guilty before God and in need of redemption. All mouths closed, all ears open.


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